Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dateline: 2010

2010 - January. Dr Meltzer suggested I try for SSDI, and to get on a lung transplant list. Seems the left lung is acting a bit up. But as long as I take my prednizone and do my nebulizers, I can go about some normal functions like showering, dressing, fixing meals, sitting at the computer *L* etc. No running and no soccer playing darn it hahaha.

August  medication change - 2 puffs of symbicort twice daily. 10 mg of prednizone daily, prilosec OTC mornings before eating.

November: Was cleaning up some files in my office and in the garage where I keep archives stored. By the third week of November I had recurring muscle aches in the middle of my back. I slathered myself up with flex All, and/or bengay and took a swig of codiene to sleep. I honestly thought it was a pulled muscle and/or just the progression of COPD. We had our annual Thanksgiving Dinner but wow was I in pain. I only stayed
at the dinner table long enough to eat and then stumbled back up to my bedroom. The kids did a FANTASTIC job of prepping and serving such a delicious dinner! (they make me SO proud!)

Silly me. kept discounting the fact i was in pain and blaming it on pulled muscles.

December 5, 2010 Extremely SOB and alot of pain in the chest/ribs/back area. We had to call in 911. I truly did not think I would make it to the hospital. Every bounce in the truck made me want to vomit. I could not breathe in to save my soul! Within 10 minutes of being in the ER at York Hospital, the intern said I had a collapsed lung - and apparently had had it for at least a few days if not a few weeks. HOLY CRAP the pain was excruciating when they thrust the 'tube' into my chest to alleviate the air pockets and to re-inflate the left lung. I was one sick puppy! The tubing that went from my lung to the catchall bucket was filled with liquid and blood. The doctors and nurses treated me so very well .. AND the food was wonderful *L*  The ONLY   thing that bugged me was the night time staff that would NOT give me my maalox  - the heartburn was agonizing and they did not have an 'order' for it so I had to wait .....and wait ..and wait!

I was released on December 8 and placed on oxgygen at home (1 lt a rest, 2 lt upon activity).Needless to say Christmas time proved to be a hurdle to get over and done with. Thankfully my beautiful children took over and did the Christmas dinner (Christmas Breakfast for my children and their families .. AND Christmas Dinner for my bros and sisters.)  I am so very blessed!

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